Safeguarding Policy Review

Two graduate students from Tribhuvan University Pramila Bisunke and Susan Kathayat were given fellowship to review the existing safeguarding policies in Nepal from March-May 2020 in the context of Mobile Arts for Peace Project (MAP) in Nepal.

They have prepared report reviews the situation of safeguarding in Nepali context along with the existing policies and adaptations made after the introduction of the MAP project.

The information and data are gathered through policy reviews; interviews with researchers, research participants, and community stakeholders.

The key findings from the situation analysis were:

» Safeguarding is a relatively new term in Nepal. Most of the organizations and stakeholders are not aware of the idea of safeguarding and how it is beneficial for them.

» Some organizations have written policies on ‘Safeguarding’ but among them, some have admitted that they hardly practice what is written in the policies and said their organization adopted such policies because of the international agencies’ or donor agencies’ requirements for projects.

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